Windows Phone 7: Threat To Android?
"I don't make a lot of predictions, but here's one: Windows Phone 7 will succeed, and it will force everyone else to rethink the way they design phone software. How do I know? This week we received two Android devices to review, and next to Microsoft's shiny new OS they look boring. More important, when I talked to five people of varying ages who had seen what Windows Phone 7 could do, all said they would consider buying one-and none of them currently own smart phones." Mark Spoonauer of has an editorial on Windows Phone 7 that's pretty positive on Microsoft's new OS. What I find interesting is that Google's Android has been singled out as the competition (what? is the iPhone irrelevant already?), and the value proposition will be a superior UI for Microsoft and price for Google. Are you guys thinking the same way? How many of you have changed your minds about Windows Phone 7?
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."