All I Want For Christmas Is An Android Tablet
"LG had initially said their tablet would be available as a Christmas stocking stuffing, but it appears it's been delayed until January's CES show now. It's no big deal really, but according to Bloomberg it's due to software issues." 
This is not the first time that a product has not made its initial release date, though I wonder if missing the holiday season is a good decision as those who might like this delightful tablet may not want to wait and spend their gift money on a competitor, like, say, an iPad. With other Android tablets coming out, the claim that the delay is because of Android makes me wonder if the tablet really will be ready or reliable. It almost sounds like LG is working on their own layer on top of Android to try and differentiate themselves and are having problems making it a smooth experience. Whatever the problem is, it probably is best to wait until the reviews come out over this tablet to see if the added wait is worth it.