Early Reviews of the AppleTV are Mixed
"The first reviews of the new Apple TV are starting to appear and we're rounding them up for you. Here's a look at the early impressions." 
Gizmodo is rounding up the reviews of the new AppleTV. (At the time this article is being written, they've only rounded up two reviews, but they're adding more as they come in). So far, the reviews are mixed, and the complaints are what you would expect: no hard drive, streaming only, and lack of an included HDMI cable. Mine has shipped. At the current time, it has just arrived in Alaska from Hong Kong, so I expect to have it by Friday or Monday. Given the reviews so far, I don't think there will be any unexpected surprised when I receive mine. I'm looking forward to swapping out my old AppleTV with the new model.
iMac 21.5 inch, Macbook 13 inch, 32GB iPhone 4, 8GB 1st gen iPod Touch, 64GB iPad WiFi, AppleTV, iPod Shuffle