7-Inch Nationite Rocktab Android Tablet Starting at $129
"For those who think most high-end Android tablets seem way too pricey, but still like the idea of having a tab around, the entry-level Nationite Rocktab may prove to be an acceptable alternative with its modest $129.50 price tag (2GB model)." 
Another in a series of modest but inexpensive tablets with a 7-inch resistive WVGA screen, this Android 1.5 (ouch!) device is available in 2, 8 or 16GB of storage, 128MB RAM, a Rockchip RK2808 600MHz processor, trackball, accelerometer and Wi-fi. Maybe a good entry-level device for Android newbies!
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein