Roundup of Four Tablet Options
"The iPad's finally got some competition; in the past few weeks, the HP Slate made a brief appearance, the Samsung Galaxy Tab debuted, and just BlackBerry unveiled its business-minded PlayBook today. Here's how they all measure up" 
Gizmodo does a great roundup of 4 different tablet devices: the iPad, the Blackberry Playbook, The Samsung Galaxy Tab, and the rumored HP Slate. They cover various features like storage, antenna type, wireless carriers, etc. It's all collected in a table for easy comparison. I'm really interested in 7 inches as a tablet size since I find my iPad a little large for reading e-books in bed. It'll be interesting to see how things like tablet size will shake out in the market. Is anyone interested in any of the current crop of iPad competitors?
iMac 21.5 inch, Macbook 13 inch, 32GB iPhone 4, 8GB 1st gen iPod Touch, 64GB iPad WiFi, AppleTV, iPod Shuffle