Samsung Galaxy Tab Coming to Sprint This Fall
"Sprint (NYSE: S) and Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile), the No. 1 mobile phone provider in the United States1, today announced the upcoming arrival of Samsung Galaxy TabTM to the Sprint 3G network this fall. This new tablet combines the popular Android platform and award-winning data features of the Samsung Galaxy S lineup of mobile devices with the reliability and value of Sprint and access to the Sprint 3G network. Samsung Galaxy Tab weighs less than a pound and features a brilliant 7-inch Enhanced TFT touchscreen display, Android 2.2, a 1GHz Hummingbird Application processor, supporting 3D graphics and smooth Web browsing, as well as dual cameras for video chat on-the-go. It offers two fast and easy ways to enter text onto the tablet - a virtual keyboard and SWYPE technology, which allows users to input text faster and more intuitively with one continuous finger motion across the virtual keyboard." 
Well folks, looks like it's official for at least one carrier - Sprint will be carrying the Samsung Galaxy Tab this fall. No word on a firm release date or pricing, and sadly it'll only be 3G, not taking advantage of Sprint's 4G technology. 3 MP camera on the back, 1.5 MP on the front (3?!? Why can't we get at least 5?)
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts