Changing the Default Association for Any Android Application
"Have you installed an app that replaces one of the preinstalled phone apps, but the original app still fires up when you try to do something with the new one? Don't fret, Android has a way to reassign the default app to use in any situation, if you know how to do it. Our Android tip of the day shows you how to use any app as a default for particular tasks." 
Longtime mobile aficionado and friend James Kendrick of jkOnTheRun has a simple and straight forward post on how to change any association for an application, allowing you to choose which application opens when more than one application might meet the need. Personally, it is usually the file-opening associations that get me (especially photos). It's definitely worth the couple of minutes reading time to know how to quickly eliminate what can become quite the annoyance.
Don SorcinelliMicrosoft MVP, Windows Mobile DevicesEditor-In-Chief,