Priority Inbox + Empty Inbox = Disappointment Inbox!

A few years back on Pocket PC Thoughts, I wrote a piece asking people about their Email Organization strategy, and mentioning that I personally like my inbox to always be at 0 when I'm done at my computer. At the most, on an average work day, I may return to my inbox and find 10 - 12 e-mails waiting for me after a meeting. So when Google activated my Priority Inbox a few days ago, I realized something. It doesn't work for me - my inbox is too clean. Now Priority All Mail, that may do the trick... So those of you who have activated Priority Inbox, what do you think? Do you want it to come to your Android Phone? And those of you like me - what GMail improvement on device or on phone are you looking for?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts