Battery Monitoring With Battery Bar
"Typically, you have to mouse over that tiny System Tray power icon if you want Windows' read on how much battery life is left. BatteryBar adds a full-time, at-a-glance gauge to the right side of the taskbar, which, by itself, is mighty handy." I have used laptops for a very long time. I have used laptops so old that I am paranoid about being away from a power outlet. While never laptops have helped teach me that it is okay to use a laptop that is not plugged in, I still watch that little battery icon in the lower right corner like a hawk. The problem is that wee icon does not tell me much. BatteryBar is a tool that gives you more information like an at-a-glance view of how much time you have left before things go dark. There are lots of tools like this, and I lament that my personal favourite, Notebook Hardware Control has not been updated in years, so I am always on the search for new programs like this to feed my paranoia. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use to monitor their laptop life?