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Old 07-28-2010, 09:48 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 984

I run NoScript and I do not block your site, but I block script from third-party sites. IIRC, your site is infested with intellitxt, and, so long as that junk pops up when I am not careful about where I put the mouse pointer, I will block it. Sorry about that, but having to be careful about where I place the cursor while scrolling through a post is too intrusive. Turn off itellitext on your site and I will see more ads, I guess. (I also block, btw. I tend to distrust tracking cookies.)
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Old 07-28-2010, 09:51 PM
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fair enough, it seems reasonable to look around the page and see if there is something I might find interesting from one of your advertisers. I have to agree that there's no benefit to anyone in the long run if people are clicking on ads just to bump the numbers. having said that, though, I won't be clicking any flash ads, because I can't see them. I'm using ClickToFlash to block flash content I haven't asked for, because flash sucks. And yes, I've paid for ClickToFlash. what does that say about ways (ad revenue vs. donations) to cover hosting and development costs?
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Old 07-28-2010, 10:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 841

Originally Posted by Chris Gohlke View Post
Your ads are good about being unobtrusive. The only ones I find marginally annoying are the Google Adwords (I think that is what they are called) - the words in the posts that when your cursor goes over them an ad pops up. I usually drag the cursor along as I read, so I inadvertently pass over these and the ad pops up which does interrupt the reading experience.
Nope. Those ads are from another company. Google AdSense does not underline words in the text. They are mainly the same size and format of other ads - banner and towers. They are no intrusive.

You are thinking of Kontera and some other providers.

Originally Posted by Joel Crane View Post
1 visit, 1 click is a great and easy-to-implement idea. Thanks for the amazing news resource Jason. You heard the man, let's make Thoughts worth his time!
As said before this will bring prices down. Only click if you really want/need more information.

Having said that (and running my own site) ad blocking is really bad for content providers. Those $19.99/mo hosting offers are not near enough to be a viable option to host high volume sites. Hosting costs money. Support costs money. Development costs money. Baby food costs money. The small site publishers/owners need to feed their families.
Mauricio Freitas
New Zealand technology community
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Old 07-28-2010, 11:04 PM
Chris Gohlke
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Originally Posted by freitasm View Post
Nope. Those ads are from another company. Google AdSense does not underline words in the text.
I looked them up, they are called Vibrant In-Text Advertising.
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Old 07-29-2010, 11:30 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
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I fully agree ... why don't you advice Apple to add this feature to their Safari 5 which I currently use and doesn't have a popup allower
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:36 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
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I have no problem with MOST ads. However, there are some sites, that depending on which browser you're running, will take for freaking EVER to load, and I am sure it is the ads, or the way they are incorporated, because WITH an ad blocker, they can be fine.

Phonearena had some issues for a while (Java related, I believe), and now seems fixed, at least for Firefox, but in Chrome, every page needs an F5 refresh to display, and I'm fairly certain it is ad related.

So fine, run the ads, but if it is going to take as long as it takes me to go fetch a cup of coffee across the office to load, I'm not reading. And just trying it on your own machine is not a test.
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Old 07-29-2010, 01:18 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 18

Did you see this deal I found on an ad on your site?

Buy headphones and get a free 16 GB Zune HD
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Old 07-29-2010, 01:27 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 276

Originally Posted by doogald View Post
I run NoScript and I do not block your site, but I block script from third-party sites. IIRC, your site is infested with intellitxt, and, so long as that junk pops up when I am not careful about where I put the mouse pointer, I will block it. Sorry about that, but having to be careful about where I place the cursor while scrolling through a post is too intrusive. Turn off itellitext on your site and I will see more ads, I guess. (I also block, btw. I tend to distrust tracking cookies.)
I agree 100% about intellitxt, get rid of it and I'll turn that blocking off...
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Old 07-29-2010, 05:16 PM
Chris Gohlke
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For those that don't like the intellitxt ads and block everything as a result, here is an easy solution that will get rid of the intellitxt ads. Hover over an intellitxt ad, click on the "?", the page you go to will have an option for disabling the ads (requires a cookie). But then you should be good to go. I'm actually impressed that the advertiser is proactive in letting the user disable the ads.
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Old 07-29-2010, 08:54 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 984

Originally Posted by Chris Gohlke View Post
For those that don't like the intellitxt ads and block everything as a result, here is an easy solution that will get rid of the intellitxt ads. Hover over an intellitxt ad, click on the "?", the page you go to will have an option for disabling the ads (requires a cookie). But then you should be good to go. I'm actually impressed that the advertiser is proactive in letting the user disable the ads.
That only disables intellitxt/vibrant on the thoughts media sites, unfortunately. It does not extend to everywhere that uses the technology - like an adblocker, or script blocker, will. Like I said, I don't block everything, but I will not unblock intellitxt, ever. I'm surprised that the revenue from it is worth the lost revenue from everyone who does just block everything.
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