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Old 09-20-2007, 04:10 PM
David Tucker
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Default Zune 2 Rumors Again?

Alright! The Zune 2 details have been confirmed by an insider over at Zune Scene. *insert record scratch noise here* Wait a second, let's hold up for JUST a moment. I debated even writing anything about this when I first saw this go up on Zune Scene. I should have known half the internet would pick up on it.

First of all, I fully believe Zune 2 is coming and coming soon. I wouldn't be surprised if it took a form similar to what we've seen in pictures but those pictures look so fake to me that I just can't believe that's the Zune in its final form.

I also question the color options as legitimate. Black is a no brainer. But red and pink as the ONLY other color choices? I just find it hard to believe that white wouldn't be an option. It's almost a requirement. And brown has been a very good seller. I think it's always been #2 behind black on Amazon.

October doesn't seem to be an unreasonable release month. But this source gave a very specific October 16th. I guess we'll have to see.

My issue with this 'interview' is that other than the release date (which the source covered themselves for by saying it was a target) every piece of information given was pretty vague. I could have acted as a source and given essentially the same information.

The Zune Phone is the kicker for me. If this all comes to pass, I'll eat my words. But I'm very skeptical of what I'm reading right now.
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