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Old 05-31-2012, 10:00 PM
Hooch Tan
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Default Google Polishes its Chrome

"We often joke Google is like the old Microsoft — getting things wrong, bumbling its way into new markets, and getting things right on the third try. This seems to be quite true of Google’s efforts to develop a cloud PC. Google and its partner, Samsung, are launching a new Chromebook and Chromebox today, targeting them at the educational and corporate customers."

Google likes Chrome.  It created a browser named Chrome.  It launched a netbook like device called the Chromebook.  It looks like they are back, and in addition to updating its portable funtoy, you can say hello to the Chromebox.  It does not roll off the tongue like iPad, or iPhone, but I suppose that is the name they are sticking with.  I never heard of much success with the original Chromebook, but it appears that the new strategy they are taking, that is, targeting corporate and education markets, makes more sense.  One of the biggest benefits of the whole Chrome ecosphere is asset management.  A person's profile is not really stored on the computer, but in the cloud.  With the ChromeSomethingSomething, someone can switch between two different devices and largely get the same experience which is big karma for large organizations.  I am sure that individuals can also get some ChromeLove, but the money is in big markets.

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