Pirates Buy More Music. Heads Asplode.
"Despite a common perception that pirating music decreases sales, a new study published by Norway's Aftenposten this week suggests an opposite effect. Conducted by the BI Norwegian School of Management, the research finds that those between who frequently download music through file sharing services are 10 times more likely to buy music than those that cling only to legal purchases. It also notes that those between the ages of 15 and 20 are more likely to buy songs through download stores like iTunes than CDs." 
Could someone please loudly call Bravo Sierra on this stupidity? Pirates buy more? Who the hell did this study? Pirate's Bay's Lawyers? And what are they buying? Did anyone even bother to ask that question? I'm so sick of pirates justifying their behavior. Face it; you're stealing music. Justify it any way you want but if there's music on your iPhone or iPod that's for sale and you didn't pay for it, you stole it; end of story. And as for "buying more," that's a load too, because every swiped item on your iPhone / iPod is a song you didn't buy. Next thing you know, we'll be hearing about how car thieves buy more cars.
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.