Yes Virginia, the Zune HD is Still at Most Wal-Marts
"ONE of our readers, who used to work at the Bill Gates-funded [1, 2] Walmart, says that "Walmart is no longer carrying the Zune". Well, the Zune has been virtually dead for a long time, but there was never any formal announcement about discontinuation. Moreover, some shops continues to stock and put this unpopular item on a shelf. When will an announcement finally be made to say that Zune is officially dead, just like "KIN"? It's probably inevitable. Walmart also de-emphasised Xbox 360 earlier this year." 
The Techrights Web site sort of freaks me out - I was half expecting to find an application form for a combination militia/alien abductee support group - but when I saw that they were claiming that the Zune HD was no longer being sold at the largest retail chain in the USA, I was a little dubious. I contacted a Microsoft Zune spokesperson and asked them point-blank whether this was true. Q: "Is Wal-Mart no longer selling the Zune HD at retail stores in the USA?" A: "Sales of Zune HD devices continue at Wal-Mart. Our understanding is that individual stores have authority over when specific items are restocked once they're sold out, but the device is still available at Wal-Mart and other retailers like Best Buy, as well as online at and" Seems like someone should do a bit more research before making unsubstantiated claims, no? Oh wait, this is the Internet that we're talking about...