¹ DRM Problems Plague Some Zune Marketplace Customers - Thoughts Media Forums Zune Thoughts

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Old 11-03-2009, 11:09 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default DRM Problems Plague Some Zune Marketplace Customers

Digital Rights Management, or DRM as it's better know, is an ugly technology that ends up doing far more to alienate legitimate consumers of media content than it does to stop the people who want to take content they didn't pay for. Case in point: here's an email I received from a Zune Thoughts reader last week...

"I just upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista, and it went smoothly. That is until I tried to sync my zune. Apparently many of the songs I purchased long ago from the zune marketplace were DRM protected WMA. Of those songs a number are now available only as MP3. Somehow my songs, which worked fine until I upgraded to Win7, are now useless files that won't play on my PC or sync to my zune. I called zune customer support and they told me that per Microsoft they are not allowed to credit me for songs that were once WMA and are now only available as MP3 because the content provider has changed. I am now stuck having spent money for music that is gone forever...It is incredibly hard to believe that they are refusing to help one of their customers out. I guess I am going to have to switch to using the Amazon MP3 store 100% of the time. The only reason I was purchasing from the zune marketplace to begin with was an effort to support Zune."

Can you believe that? We're not talking here about a DRM-laden store going away - a la MSN Music - we're talking about the Zune Marketplace's back-end music content shifting and burning customers in the process because the DRM-laden WMA files they purchased magically vanished and MP3s appeared in their place. I'm not aware of any simple way - or even a complex way for that matter - for users to export the DRM licenses for their Zune Marketplace-purchased content. So what does the Zune team expect people to do? Never switch computers, and never upgrade to Windows 7?

The good news here is that a few days after this person contacted me, he followed up to inform me that someone from the Zune Team contacted him and offered him song credits to fix this situation. That's great to hear, but it's clear the Zune Marketplace has a very screwed up system if this was allowed to happen in the first place.

DRM is a poison that's best avoided, and until the Zune Marketplace is 100% DRM-free, I'm not going to purchase songs from it. Amazon's MP3 store gets all my money right now. Where do you purchase your music from?

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Old 11-04-2009, 03:19 PM
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I agree with 95% of what you've said. DRM is definitely a poison that harms 'legal' customers without doing much to prevent piracy among those who would choose that path... But, I don't think it's necessary to boycott the zune marketplace completely until they are 100% DRM-free for music. Anecdotal reports suggest that for purchased tracks they are up to around 75 or 80% DRM-free. And, DRM free tracks and albums are clearly labeled that way. I'd guess that MS is pushing hard to get to 100%, and it's content providers that lag...although that is just my theory.
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Old 11-05-2009, 07:43 AM
Jason Dunn
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Originally Posted by NSILMike View Post
But, I don't think it's necessary to boycott the zune marketplace completely until they are 100% DRM-free for music. Anecdotal reports suggest that for purchased tracks they are up to around 75 or 80% DRM-free.
Here's the catch though: although you and I will look for the MP3 indicator, a lot of people won't. People don't really understand DRM until it smacks them in the face. And for whatever reason, it seems the vast majority of artists that I look up in the marketplace only offer music in DRM format. So I really won't be happy until the entire music catalogue is DRM-free...(with the exception of Zune Pass content of course).
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Old 11-04-2009, 03:32 PM
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Default Big Surprise?

I stand by my previous negative comments about the Zune (Team?).

They will be responsibe for sabotaging what could be a great piece of hardware (HD) with their inability to create anything but buggy DRM laden software.

I either purchase CD's and rip, or MP3's from Amazon. I only use the Marketplace for podcasts. If the Podcast feature disappears, I will get rid of the zune.

Last edited by SoundMix; 11-04-2009 at 03:36 PM..
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Old 11-04-2009, 04:06 PM
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I still buy music from the Zune Marketplace, HOWEVER, only in MP3 form.

That and I still buy CD's and rip them of course.
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Old 11-04-2009, 04:02 PM
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Default Anything would be nice

I feel the same way about DRM, but I'd even prefer the ability to choose from all the options the US has. We can't use Amazon or the Zune Marketplace up here in Canada. iTunes is prettyy much it and I refuse to use it. We also have Puretracks (I think) but the selection is bunk and the DRM blows.

If I had access, I'd have a Zune pass today. One can dream, I guess.

Now, if only we'd get the ZuneHD and the kindle up here as well.
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Old 11-04-2009, 06:03 PM
Janak Parekh
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Originally Posted by snume View Post
I feel the same way about DRM, but I'd even prefer the ability to choose from all the options the US has. We can't use Amazon or the Zune Marketplace up here in Canada. iTunes is prettyy much it and I refuse to use it. We also have Puretracks (I think) but the selection is bunk and the DRM blows.
Although iTunes sells DRM-free AAC tracks now, pretty much exclusively.

Actually, Apple deserves credit in this regard - their DRM scheme has been simple, reliable, cross-platform, and they've been at the forefront of ditching their own working DRM scheme, for music at least. I avoided WMA DRM from day 1 when I saw the nonsense about conditional license transfers and whatnot. Microsoft deserves a serious rapping over the head about this.

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Old 11-04-2009, 07:55 PM
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Ok, so I have the same problem. I just need to call Zune Support and see what they can do?
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Old 11-05-2009, 07:45 AM
Jason Dunn
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Originally Posted by snume View Post
We can't use Amazon or the Zune Marketplace up here in Canada. iTunes is prettyy much it and I refuse to use it. We also have Puretracks (I think) but the selection is bunk and the DRM blows.
I have some good news for you...I found a really nice online music store for Canadians! Watch the front page tomorrow morning.
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Old 11-05-2009, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by snume View Post
We can't use Amazon or the Zune Marketplace up here in Canada.
Funny thing about that. If you're determined, you can actually use the Zune Marketplace in Canada.

See Jason's thread "An International Zune User's Guide".

I live in Canada and buy non-DRM'd music from the Zune Marketplace.
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