So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
I think the line from Douglas Adam's quadrilogy has always seemed the most appropriate for goodbyes, perhaps because it fits my sometimes quirky personality. I have enjoyed my time as a contributing editor at Pocket PC Thoughts. When I first received an email invitation from Jason, I was shocked and humbled at the opportunity. I had been a site visitor since almost the beginning and really looked forward to contributing in this new way. Over my time here I've tried to do the best I could, even as I've seen the mobile landscape change from PDA-only devices to an almost exclusive focus on smartphones and phone-enabled devices. For now, I'm still a two-device guy but I'm sure it won't be for long. Unfortunately, in the transition between the two worlds, I find my real-world responsibilities as radio announcer, husband, and father of two precious girls are taking more of my time and I have less to share with Thoughts Media. And so, with regrets, I shared with Jason my need to take leave of the Contributing Editor position. It's an experience I have greatly appreciated, especially getting to work with someone of Jason's caliber. Beyond Jason's leadership at the helm of Thoughts Media, he has entrusted each site to the care of a managing editor. For us, Darius Wey has served as that organizer, filter, guide, mentor and even friend. He has helped me through countless issues, especially as I began as a Contributing Editor. I want to extend a special thanks to him. The rest of the team, Jon, Janak, and Ed have also provided some needed feedback and have made me a better editor. Lastly, if you've ever stopped in to comment on a post, or at least take the time to read it, I thank you. That's what makes this site worth it. In closing, perhaps the Bible's Apostle Paul said it best in many of his closings of his letters, Grace be with you. I don't know about you, but I can use all the grace I can get!