09-30-2005, 01:08 PM
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,233
Using Outlook Web Access For Mobile File Storage
"Since Windows 2000, the Windows shell has supported something called �web folders�, where you can browse the files and folders on a website in exactly the same way you browse your local disk....Hit OK, and you should see your OWA view replaced with what looks like a folder view. The names of many of these folders will look familiar � they�re the folders that you�ve created in your inbox. Others won�t look familiar; these are folders used by various system functions. Right click somewhere in this view (but not on a folder), select New, and create a new folder. That�s it. You can double-click on this folder to open it and drag files into it in order to copy them up to your mailbox."
You Had Me At EHLO, the MS Exchange Team Blog, has a nice little trick posted on their site about using your exchange server's outlook web access as a quick & dirty file store while on the road. The basic tactic involves using IE to open https://mail.contoso.com/exchange/sami/non_ipm_subtree (replacing 'sami' with your username and the mail.contoso.com with your domain name obviously) as a web folder, allowing you to copy files into it. A neat trick to use if you need to store some files while mobile!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts