"A Los Angeles man accused of using other people's wi-fi networks to send thousands of unsolicited adult-themed e-mails has entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors in a case filed under the criminal provisions of the federal CAN SPAM Act, officials confirmed Friday...Tombros was charged last month with a single felony under the criminal provisions of the CAN SPAM Act. He allegedly drove around the Los Angeles beachfront suburb of Venice with a laptop and a wi-fi antenna sniffing out unsecured residential access points, which he then used to send thousands of untraceable spam messages advertising pornography sites. An FBI spokesperson said Tombros obtained the e-mail addresses from a credit card aggregation company where he used to work."
8O If you haven't locked down your access point at home yet, now is a good time to do so. Too bad the people who keep their routers open as "linksys" probably don't read PPCT. :|