06-25-2004, 04:00 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,133
Spam Egg Spam Spam Bacon And Spam
Do you hate spam? Sure! We all do! In fact, we've made a few posts on the subject. But do you UNSUBSCRIBE from it? There are two schools of thought on this.- 1. While some spammers may use it as a verification that your address is "good" and send you more spam, most will remove you from their list, and therefore, your overall spam will be reduced.
2. Most spammers are not honest, or they wouldn't be advertising underage porn and warez. Therefore, any unsubscribe attempt will only increase the amount of spam.
Personally, for my most spam-infested email account, I unsubscribe when I have time. I think it's reduced the amount of spam I get, but perhaps an account needs to reach a certain threshold before it helps. Though, I have to say, I don't bother for warez spam. And why is it that mortgage spam is among the worst for not having unsubscribe links?
Anyway - I can kind of understand some spam tricking the unwary into clicking and such, and therefore perpetuating the spam. But there are certain types of spam I just don't understand at all. I'm not trusting tons of money to a mortgage broker that has to use obvious tricks to get through my spam filter. If I can't trust them to have valid unsubscribe links that actually unsubscribe, why would I trust them with my financial future? I also hate it when the unsubscribe link redirects to a CNN news page on netscape.com. That gets me really mad!
Even more bizarre - are you going to buy l33t medicine? V14gr4 or Z4n4x or something? Who are the people buying from these spam emails? Frankly, if they can't spell it properly, I wouldn't feel safe taking it. Plus, I'm not sure I would want people to see a bottle on my counter labeled Z010ft. "No... This is a BETTER drug than "Zoloft". It's much more 133t."