05-02-2004, 04:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 366
Amount of personal Internet usage
I realized over the past few days that my "on line" hours have been steadily increasing as I find more and more interesting sites, get more e-mails and listen to streaming internet radio. It got me thinking about what I'm NOT doing with that time, but that's another issue :wink:
As broadband continues to gain a foothold and wireless technology rates also rising, I'd be curious how many hours per week you estimate as "on-line time". Let's keep it to non-work because you might be researching something for a work project, which I wouldn't count. My personal estimate:
2-3 hours per day for surfing & e-mail
3 hours per week IM'ing on my PPC
4-5 hours every Sunday for NASCAR TrackPass
2 hours on Sunday for streaming NewAge music while reading the paper
1 hour per day for e-mail
3 hours per day for general surfing (most of it here!)
Total Estimate: 30 Hours per week 8O
What's really interesting to me is that 5 scant years ago, I probably spent 10 hours per week on-line via dial up (anyone remember AOL 2.0???) to get the same amount of content I can get in less than an hour on DSL......now at 30 hours of broadband per week, how much content am I saturating my brain with??? :robot: