12-31-2003, 05:46 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Microsoft Kills Smart Display
"The Smart Display, a year old, will not make it to 2.0 - Microsoft has told the unfortunate manufacturers who partnered with it in the doomed venture. The idea of a flat panel display which you could pick up and carry around the house sounded like a brilliant idea when it was first mooted, since all it needed was a (presumably, cheap) Windows CE processor and a wireless link. At the time it was not quite as obvious as it is now that it was a dead duck. Now, according to ET News, Microsoft has decided this ugly duckling won't ever become a swan. "Last week, Microsoft sent a letter to a part of smart display developers including Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics notifying them that it would immediately abandon the development of 'Smart Display' OS 2.0, according to industry sources," said the Korean news source."
I can't say that this surprises me very much - the Smart Display was a great concept, but hardware and price made it a flop in the market. Did any of you ever buy a Smart Display? What was your experience with it?