08-19-2003, 08:47 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,133
Looking for music
I have a CD with a song I really like, and am looking for a CD with songs of a similar style (preferably instrumental). Normally, this wouldn't be too rough, as I could see "other people that bought this CD also bought...", but this particular song's style is different than the rest of the CD.
The song is "Marco Polo", track #4 off of Book of Secrets, by Loreena McKennitt. Her "normal" music is Celtic, but if you listen to a clip, you'll notice that this song isn't quite that.
For those of you who were in Vancouver for the fireworks competition recently, it was played during the Czech display. I'm so cool I already had the CD, though.
Any help would be appreciated.
BTW - "Mummer's Dance", track #2 on that CD is also pretty cool.