07-02-2003, 01:56 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 157
off PPC topic - need web hosting info
I am about to start a small business and want to create a web site. I have "free" hosting with Charter Communications but it will not accept .php so I can not use Front Page or DreamWeaver. I am fairly literate with most programs, from a users standpoint, but Web site Creation is out of my league. This is the reason I want to use FrontPage. I've been "banging" around in it and it seems fairly simple.
On to my question: Who, Where can I get INEXPENSIVE Web Hosting for my site?? No banners, no pop ups, nothing major in space requirements. I only need to have about four to six pages with pics.
Again since I am a start up business every dollar counts and traffic will be low for my site so I can't afford to tie a lot of monies up in this part of the business.
Please advise and let me know of potential pitfalls to lookout for.
Thanks in advance!!!!!