Spring is on its way to Sweden bringing garden work and outdoor activities to the agenda. We started building a second stone wall, but it won't come anywhere near our first in size. The last six months have been a tough at work. Too little RAM in my laptop: 700 MHz, 512 MB RAM. Finally, I get to order a new: 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM. Ed recently asked: "WIMR? (Where Is My Ram?)". Well, I know my RAM is heading this way!
To end this rather off-topic beginning of this week I have two questions. The last couple of weeks I have played... Solitaire. I've set it to draw one card and keep a standard scoring. Q1: My high score is 710 and it seems it can't get any higher. Can it? Q2: Does anyone know the true story behind Solitaire and why this simple game has made it into almost every Windows version?