02-23-2003, 05:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Another Chance For More DRM Control
This in an interesting article on the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) of your PC and how it may be replaced by a new system, an OS called EFI, or Extensible Firmware Interface. I would assume this technology will also make its way into the Pocket PC and Smartphone as well. It looks like a good idea, or did until I got to this paragraph.
"Because EFI has its own filing system that lives on a reserved part of the hard disk, it can become the standard home for a whole set of utilities that have always had an awkward fit with the BIOS. Digital rights management and security designers also have an interest in EFI because it gives them a new level of control over the hardware."
A whole new level of control over the hardware. The hardware I purchased! :evil: At some point, someone will figure out how to tie digital media to an owner and not to a device. That technology I'll willingly buy. That way I can read my ebooks, listen to my music and watch my movies on any device I choose. To be honest, this article doesn't exactly contradict that premise, but that is really giving the media industry way too much credit. If they had their way, anything we watched, read or listened to would be wiped from the synapses of our minds making us eager to pay for the privilege of experiencing it again. I am sure someone is already working on that type of technology. :roll: Probably Sony.