09-14-2002, 03:15 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
Can You "Guess The Geek?"
We've all had a bit of good-natured fun lately poking at pt's advertisements depicting Pocket PC "experts.".
A few of you have even tried to figure out who the various super-geek "superdudes" are in the photos. Well, why don't you take your best shot and see how close you can come? The first person who guesses correctly gets to be forever immortalized on the front page of Pocket PC Thoughts. Oh, and only people who do not already personally know the super-geeks are eligible. <!>
I'll even make it easier for you; I'll give you a list of possible identities for these guys:
� Jason Dunn, Pocket PC Thoughts Executive Editor � Foo Fighter, Pocket PC Thoughts Reader � Rob Borek, Microsoft Mobile Devices MVP � Brad Adrian, Pocket PC Thoughts Contributing Editor � Arne Hess, Microsoft Mobile Devices MVP � Ed Hansberry, Pocket PC Thoughts Contributing Editor � Frank O'Baily, Pocket PC Thoughts Reader � Dale Coffing, Pocket PC Passion Editor � Andy Sjostrom, Pocket PC Thoughts Contributing Editor � Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO � Marlof Bregonje, Pocket PC Thoughts Contributing Editor � Phillip Torrone, Pocket PC Magic Editor
Just respond with who you think is denoted by: A B C D E F
[Note: I have been asked by those in the photographs to clarify that they (the photos) were altered in order to deliberately make them look geeky and unattractive. In real life, they're uber-studs.]