09-15-2006, 08:31 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 302
Hello World, I'm Jason Eaton
As is tradition for the Thoughts Media sites, I have been asked to write a short �Hello� message and announce my arrival to the team. Those of you who have been paying attention in the threads may have already noticed the change.
My previous name on the boards was JohnSmith and if you have read some of my responses you probably have developed an opinion of who I am and the gadgets I like. I call things as I see it, but that doesn�t mean I am always right, so I expect you guys to keep me in line. With that said I won�t clutter the homepage any more as we all know why we came to iPod Thoughts for! ... err... um... would you look at that camera posted below?
Here is to a wonderful site and community, I hope I can do it proud!