"In the fifth grade, was I ever cool, enlightening my hopelessly square parents about the ways of the world. Or so I thought. After reading through the introduction of Google's public stock filing, I now see that juvenile pomposity did not go out of style with the passing of the Nehru jacket. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have turned it into an art form. Too much has already been made of the company's upcoming IPO--and this just in the first week after filing--but the so-called owner's manual they co-authored opens a remarkable window into the essence of Googlism."
Charles Cooper, executive editor of commentary at C|Net has written this article on what he calls the Essence of Googlism. He takes several statements made by Google over the last few weeks (around the IPO news) and tries explain what the business/political language really means. The article also gives an interesting insight into Google's approach to corporate thinking. It is an interesting read, though it comes off as him being a bit harsh on Google, IMHO.