09-14-2004, 08:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,074
For Now, Unwired Means Unlisted. That May Change.
"In October, most major cellphone carriers plan to start compiling a publicly accessible listing of wireless phone numbers.
"Being listed in the new cellphone directory will be strictly voluntary, reflecting an increasing tension in today's digital world. New technologies and gadgets make people easily accessible any time, in the remotest of locations. At the same time, users of the new gadgets are becoming far more guarded about who gets to reach out and touch them."
This will come as good news for all the folks who have decided to dump the land line and switch over to the wireless phone. Now they can have the cell phone number listed in the 411 directory, so that family and friends can find them. But for folks who have both, the land line and the wireless connection, it is time to sit back and think whether or not to signup. Luckily in my case the decision was easy. I am surely not going to get my number listed on the cell phone white pages. My cell phone is the means for me to reach out to the civilization when I need to, and only my family and close friends know the number. No one else needs to know about it. Another interesting point, the largest US carrier Verizon Wireless has not yet agreed to have its customers listed in the mobile white pages. :? What are your thoughts? Will you have your number listed?
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