07-14-2003, 09:22 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 48
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... phone?
"If you've ever been tempted to sling your old mobile, the Eastern Europeans are more than several steps ahead of you.
"To be precise, they're 57 metres ahead of you. This is the current record in the phone throwing competitions that litter the sporting calendar in Eastern Europe and the Nordics."
Unfortunately they've standardized on using a Samsung SGH-R200 handset. The SPV would probably be able to get some good momentum going considering its weight 8).
Competitors can choose to throw free-style (which also takes style, aesthetic beauty and overall impression into consideration), or traditional-style where they are limited to a straight-from-the-shoulder throwing technique.
So, grab your phone and start practicing... It'd be fun to have something like this at a Smartphone event.