Re-released Update May Still Be Causing Problems On Samsung Devices
"Seems us Samsung folk (I'm really beginning to regret leaving HTC) are still experiencing issues with the pre-NoDO update (take 2). Pulling the original release, this second attempt was meant to have fixed the teething issues, but alas there are still problems being reported." 
If you have a Samsung WP7 phone like me, you may want to wait a day or two before attempting the update as there appears to be some chatter on twitter regarding errors resulting from the newly released update. The first release of the update was pulled due to problems when applied to Samsung phones. Earlier today, Microsoft announced they had found and corrected the glitches and updates would resume soon after. But, it appears that once again, some Samsung users are getting error codes during the update. To make matters worse, some have claimed that attempts to restore the phone from backup fails during the restore process, leaving the user with no choice but to bring the phone back to its factory state. Hopefully these cases are isolated incidents. However, as a precaution, I strongly suggest Samsung users hold off for now.