David Tucker
09-04-2010, 12:46 AM
<p>Welcome to Android Thoughts! I'm very excited, as I hope many of you are, to see this new site finally launch. Like quite a few other readers of the Thoughts community, I started coming here when Pocket PCs were the biggest mobile computing platform around. Unfortunately, Microsoft fell into the same trap that let them capture the market originally and let their development stagnate for years.</p><p>I actually gave up on the Windows Mobile platform almost two years ago when the G1 launched. It was a bit of a transition back then since Android was in its infancy but its one I've never regretted. The excitement I used to feel about my mobile device has returned and with the proliferation of the Android app store there is nothing missing from my Android experience. If you're still wavering about getting on board with this platform I recommend jumping in feet first!</p><p>I've been around the Thoughts community for a few years now as a contributing editor over at Zune Thoughts which is a role I'll continue in. I haven't given up on all things Microsoft. I still find the Zune experience a superior music experience to that on Android. (And trust me...I have really tried to converge but its not even close for me yet, but that's a topic for a different day!)</p><p>If you don't follow the the Zune though, hello for the first time! I'm a consultant for a large enterprise software company (I guess that's a fancy way of saying I'm a programmer) so you could say that my life revolves around technology. I love playing with it as much as I do working with it. *This has been a long enough greeting though, so on with the show! 8)</p><p>*</p>