Chris Gohlke
06-21-2010, 02:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><p><em>"So in the case of the Windows slate PC, HP has done something unusual: It’s gone from hyping a product to refusing to talk about it. And McKinney’s explanation that he can’t say anything until the Palm deal is official doesn’t explain everything. For one thing, an HP Windows slate and an HP WebOS slate aren’t mutually exclusive concepts: The company could make both. And the fact that the Palm acquisition is still a work in progress didn’t prevent McKinney from saying that HP does intend to make WebOS tablets. I see only one possibility here: HP’s Windows slate PC is dead. Doesn’t mean that there won’t be some sort of Windows-powered HP tablet someday, but this one isn’t happening."</em></p><p><em><object width="600" height="360" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="src" value="" /></object></em></p><p>I'd really like to know why HP isn't coming out with the Windows Slate. From the demo, it looked promising, so I wonder if they demo'd features they weren't capabale of offering? Which, I guess if you can't do it right, you shouldn't do it. Alternatively, did they wimp out and decide not to compete with Apple? If so, I think that was a mistake, because I think there are enough recognized flaws with the iPad that had a competing product come out that addressed those issues, it probably would have done well.</p>