Sven Johannsen
04-03-2010, 09:38 PM
Hmm, can't believe I seem to be the first, 'got my ipad poster here'. And me a Microsoft MVP. Well it was too intriguing, and I do have the geek gene that is really non-denominational, even though my heart is with the other guys.
So this is just gloating and a few very early thoughts. It was charged up, though it seemed to be charged pretty well when I got it out of the box. Pretty sparse, as is Apples MO. iPad, charger block, sync cord, little box with warranty and instruction card. No not manual, not sheet...card. identifies the buttons for you, that's about it. Then it wants you to hook it up to iTunes. Tells you this when you plug it in to charge it. Then I hooked it to the iPhone cable that perpetually hangs of my PC. (yes, PC, not Mac. Remember I'm a PC ) This was not the wholly blissful experience I expected from Apple.
I plugged it in and it connected, but then wanted my Apple ID. It said if I ever registered anything with Apple I probably have one. Wait a minute, this is the iTunes I sync my iPhone with, doesn't it know who I am? OK, here's my ID and password. Yes, we know you. We see you have attached an iPad to this machine before (no I haven't), would you like to set it up as new, or restore from the previuos iPad, named Sven' iPhone. Gee that's stupid. Ahh, No, just make a new thing...O...K..
So we get some options of things we want to sync, and I say no to most everythoing so I can go in and do them individually with a bit more control in a minute. Grind grind, whir, whir, and the iPad is sync'd and can be removed. OK, so hit the tabs, sync my contacts, this, that, the other. Then I get to the Apps tab. Sync Apps is not checked, everything is grayed out, but all the apps that I've bought are checked in accordance with how I have them for the phone. Hmm, if I check sync apps, is this going to load all those on the iPad too? Hmm. Well, I unplug the pad and plug in the iPhone to see if it still understands it. Yea, it's OK. Back to iPad. Let it go to done, you can unplug. Go to apps tab and check sync apps. Yup, every last icon slides over to the virtual iPad. Fortunately you also get the Apply button at the bottom. So now I just needed to uncheck every application i n d i v i d u a l l y, so they woiuld install on the iPad until I decide if there were any worth putting on there. Then Apply. great, no apps, that's what I wanted. Back to iPhone. Good, it is fine, it kept the app complement seperate.
So I wonder. Can I hook up both the iPhone and iPad at the same time? Sure can. (If you wonder why I wasn't sure, I'm a Windows Mobile guy. Can't do that with Active Sync. At least it only talks to the first device you connect) Itunes puts both devices under Devices and you can select which one to play with. Very nice.
So, little distress, at initial setup, but probably unwarrented. Worst that would have happenned was that it installed all the apps, and I would just let it un-install them. I might have preferred all the apps to be initially unchecked, or certainly would have like an un-check all button. (or check all button for that matter), but, hey, it was just some extra effort.
Other interesting thing is that the charger that comes with this thing is pretty small and specifically designed for interchangeable AC prongs. Possibly international support? The connection would fit the figure eight plug found on many laptop brick AC cords too. ( So if you can find one of those for your mains connector, you could cludge.
Well, next I'll actually turn it on an play with it.
So this is just gloating and a few very early thoughts. It was charged up, though it seemed to be charged pretty well when I got it out of the box. Pretty sparse, as is Apples MO. iPad, charger block, sync cord, little box with warranty and instruction card. No not manual, not sheet...card. identifies the buttons for you, that's about it. Then it wants you to hook it up to iTunes. Tells you this when you plug it in to charge it. Then I hooked it to the iPhone cable that perpetually hangs of my PC. (yes, PC, not Mac. Remember I'm a PC ) This was not the wholly blissful experience I expected from Apple.
I plugged it in and it connected, but then wanted my Apple ID. It said if I ever registered anything with Apple I probably have one. Wait a minute, this is the iTunes I sync my iPhone with, doesn't it know who I am? OK, here's my ID and password. Yes, we know you. We see you have attached an iPad to this machine before (no I haven't), would you like to set it up as new, or restore from the previuos iPad, named Sven' iPhone. Gee that's stupid. Ahh, No, just make a new thing...O...K..
So we get some options of things we want to sync, and I say no to most everythoing so I can go in and do them individually with a bit more control in a minute. Grind grind, whir, whir, and the iPad is sync'd and can be removed. OK, so hit the tabs, sync my contacts, this, that, the other. Then I get to the Apps tab. Sync Apps is not checked, everything is grayed out, but all the apps that I've bought are checked in accordance with how I have them for the phone. Hmm, if I check sync apps, is this going to load all those on the iPad too? Hmm. Well, I unplug the pad and plug in the iPhone to see if it still understands it. Yea, it's OK. Back to iPad. Let it go to done, you can unplug. Go to apps tab and check sync apps. Yup, every last icon slides over to the virtual iPad. Fortunately you also get the Apply button at the bottom. So now I just needed to uncheck every application i n d i v i d u a l l y, so they woiuld install on the iPad until I decide if there were any worth putting on there. Then Apply. great, no apps, that's what I wanted. Back to iPhone. Good, it is fine, it kept the app complement seperate.
So I wonder. Can I hook up both the iPhone and iPad at the same time? Sure can. (If you wonder why I wasn't sure, I'm a Windows Mobile guy. Can't do that with Active Sync. At least it only talks to the first device you connect) Itunes puts both devices under Devices and you can select which one to play with. Very nice.
So, little distress, at initial setup, but probably unwarrented. Worst that would have happenned was that it installed all the apps, and I would just let it un-install them. I might have preferred all the apps to be initially unchecked, or certainly would have like an un-check all button. (or check all button for that matter), but, hey, it was just some extra effort.
Other interesting thing is that the charger that comes with this thing is pretty small and specifically designed for interchangeable AC prongs. Possibly international support? The connection would fit the figure eight plug found on many laptop brick AC cords too. ( So if you can find one of those for your mains connector, you could cludge.
Well, next I'll actually turn it on an play with it.