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View Full Version : Creative Vadro HD 3rd Generation Now Available

Andy Dixon
01-03-2010, 09:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://us.store.creative.com/Vado-HD-3rd-Generation-Black/M/B002P3N1J2.htm#' target='_blank'>http://us.store.creative.com/Vado-H...B002P3N1J2.htm#</a><br /><br /></div><p><em>"See it, shoot it, and share it - all in high definition. Creative's third generation Vado HD Pocket Video Camera makes it easier than ever to record outstanding videos in 720p high-definition quality. Featuring a new, ultra-stylish design, the Vado HD (3rd Gen) is slim enough to fit in your pocket, yet its 4GB memory capacity holds up to 120 minutes of widescreen HD-quality videos or 7,000 HD quality stills. With instant one-touch recording and built-in software, you'll be watching, sharing, and editing outstanding videos with ease."</em></p><p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/wpt/auto/1262462613.usr11334.jpg" style="border: 0;" /></p><p>Creative have released the 3rd generation of it's pocket video camera, the Vadro HD.&nbsp; There only seems to be a few differences between the 2nd generation and this new one that I can see from the specs.&nbsp; The major differences seem to be the addition of touch sensitive buttons to the new look case, and it now records in mp4 (H.264, AAC)&nbsp;format compared with AVI (H.264, AAC) on the 2nd gen version, which&nbsp;allows you to upload to more sites without converting.&nbsp; It has the same 4GB of memory as the 2nd generation, the same screen resolution, the same battery life&nbsp;and the same price of $179.&nbsp; If you're looking for a cheap HD video recorder that fits in your pocket for those on the spur moments such as parties,&nbsp;then it could be worth a look.</p>