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View Full Version : Purchase Problems with pocketgear.com

12-22-2009, 03:24 PM

I recently attempted to purchase SPB Wireless Monitor at Pocketgears website. I gave all the necessary details and decided to pay with Paypal.

I confirmed the transaction and I was then returned to the previous page and was asked my device make and model. I attempted to enter this but the page caused my HD2s screen to freeze. I had no option but to close my browser.

I assumed the payment had not gone through but I checked on my Paypal account to make sure and I discovered that the sum of 15.96 US dollars had been paid to pocketgear and couple of minutes later I received a confirmation email from Paypal.

I decided to check my pocketgear account to see if SPB Wireless Monitor had been entered in my purchases and there was no mention of it whatsoever.

I thought at the time this would not be a problem.
I would just contact pocketgears support department and they would sort it out. I was quite wrong.

I contacted pocketgear 3 times explaining my predicament and of course enclosing a copy of the Paypal receipt with each email.

I never received one reply from pocketgear absolutely nothing. I decide because of this I would start a case with Paypal resolution centre.

I have since sent another 3 emails to pocketgear via the resolution centre and received no reply at all.

I will be making a claim this evening with Paypal if I have not received a reply from pocketgear by then.

I am interested if any other forum members have experienced similar problems with pocketgear.

I am an old customer and always before they replied after a day or two.

I am beginning to wonder if pocketgear are having financial problems or maybe going into administration.

Brian Booth