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View Full Version : A Little Windows 7 Improvement That Matters...

Jason Dunn
12-05-2009, 01:54 AM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//dht/auto/1259972311.usr1.png" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>When I used to hear people using Windows XP say that there are "no improvements" in Windows Vista, it made me want to tear my hair out. Since the launch of Windows 7, I've heard similar comments from some Windows Vista users - they seem to be under the impression that Microsoft took the Windows Vista code and simply changed the version number. That's not the case at all - while Windows 7 isn't as huge a leap forward as XP to Vista was, there are many great improvements in Windows 7. And the more I use the operating system, the more I see these changes. It's a small thing, but the above screenshot shows one of these changes: previous versions of Windows could simply give you an error when you tried to delete or move a file that was in use by another program; you wouldn't get told exactly what process what holding that file in place. With Windows 7, you get told exactly what process or program is holding a file in place, preventing your move/delete from happening. It's a small feature, but it's quite helpful. Nicely done Microsoft!</p>

12-06-2009, 06:41 PM
What are all of these "great" improvements ? UAC doesn't get in the way as much now, it supposedly runs better on lesser hardware and . . . ? I think Vista and Win 7 are ok but I'm not getting the hype for the later. Seems more like MS has done a better job getting the media types to buy in this time.