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View Full Version : Multiple Points of Presence (MPOP) support in Messenger Mobile?

Lee Yuan Sheng
11-15-2009, 07:58 AM
Well, with the low low low price of the Omnia II, and the impending coming of the HTC HD2, I thought I'd take a look at Windows Mobile again. One thing that'd sway me heavily to WinMo is if the Live Messenger version on WinMo has MPOP support. With that I can login on the mobile without booting out my desktop login.

Last I checked there wasn't any support, but does anyone know if it'll be forthcoming? MPOP really works best with a mobile device. There aren't many times you'd be on 2-3 different computers, but more often you'd log in on your mobile when you're out.

Lee Yuan Sheng
11-17-2009, 02:47 AM
Whoa, whatever happened to everyone? This place is quieter than I am used to. :eek:

Lee Yuan Sheng
12-09-2009, 07:55 AM
Heh, and this lonely thread is the #1 result if you search "Live Messenger Mobile MPOP"!