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11-04-2009, 05:04 PM
SMS Dispatcher - Remote workforce management - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



SMS Dispatcher communicates job, task and appointment details to your mobile workforce using standard Small Message Service (SMS) Text messages.
Recipients don’t need to interact with or even READ the received messages. Software running on the mobile device intercepts and processes the bookings automatically.

Appointments can be mandatory or optional (requiring a simple Accept/Decline operation) and Silent Acknowledgements assure the manager that the booking has been received.
SMS Dispatcher runs on integrated Phone/PDA devices.
The appointment manager issues bookings either from their own mobile device or from optional desktop PC software.
An open integration interface allows SMS Dispatcher to be integrated with any office-based calendaring or resource scheduling system by adding a suitable adapter.

PPC Software (http://www.pdatopsoft.com)

Info Sharp for Windows Mobile - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



Info Sharp gathers SMS Firewall, Auto Answering/Forward Machine, and SMS Notification in one. It also can manage and classify all your SMS more efficiently.
It can not only send, receive, forward SMS but also manage the all sms into a Tree structure. It also has a super filter which take many actions such as play sound, vibrate, auto reply by the SMS's number or content. The document which saved SMS can be read by E-Stack Room

1. SMS firewall: You can define rule by yourself and set many actions
2. Build-in SMS receiving and sending
3. Support flash SMS
4. Multiple sms sending to many people
5. Auto-answering machine: By the rule, it will auto-reply the sms with your setting
6. Set different ringtones for incoming SMS
7. Manage and Classify SMS: It use a tree struct to manage all your sms more efficiently
8. User-defined notification for SMS
9. Importing SMS as backup
10.*Support WM2002/2003/2003SE/SmartPhone 2002/2003

PPC Software (http://www.pdatopsoft.com)