Chris Gohlke
09-03-2009, 11:30 AM
<p>It has become somewhat of a tradition here at Thoughts Media to periodically show off your home office set-up. We <a href="" target="_blank">last looked</a> at the beginning of the year, but in light of the Lifehacker gallery, I figured I'd resurrect this one a little sooner. Here is my current setup, which has not really changed . </p><p><img src="" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>Major features are the dual 22 inch monitors and the addition of pegboard to the back to allow me to mount smaller peripherals like my cable modem and such as well as for cable management. So that's my set up - what's yours?</p><p>If you need a place to upload your images so you can share them with others in our forum, try <a href="" target="_blank">Image Shack</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Free Image Hosting</a>. Please keep your embedded images 600 pixels or under in width - if they're bigger than that, just post a link. Thanks!</p>