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08-12-2009, 03:52 PM
Handy Converter for Windows Mobile Smartphone - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



With Handy Converter for Windows Mobile Smartphone you can:
Quickly and easily convert given amount of money to all the major currencies (up to 57)! You don't need to approximate, guess or have your PC on hand to know the latest currency exchange rates. They are provided by Bank of Canada. And you can update
currency exchange rates daily or enter them by yourself
Convert all necessary units of measure, including temperature, length, weight, area, volume, speed, etc. All in all more than 50 units
Find the value evaluation simultaneously during your input, so you don't need an extra action to find the results
NEW! Use this conversion tool for daily conversion in everyday life. Convert different types of size: clothes, shirts and shoes from 7 main international scales. All measures are converting separately for women, men and kids.
Get all the required calculations easily without complicated Menus and needless steps thanks to easy in use and user friendly program interface
Always stay up-to-date on the currency rates by downloading them for free just from your mobile device - no more worries and guesses
Be sure in your purchases and money exchanges with Handy Converter for Windows Smartphone in your pocket!

=http://www.pdatopsoft.com]WM Smartphone Software

Easy Busy for Windows Mobile - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



Keep away unwanted callers!
Sales calls and phone surveys, stalkers, your ex-boy or girlfriend, your mom (at times), so many calls that you want to avoid... Easy Busy comes to help. Easy to setup, easy to use - Easy Busy allows you to keep away calls from people that you would like to ignore.

Features include:
Calls rejected by an instant busy tone (not interrupting your privacy)
Ultra-fast caller recognition (caller thinks the line is busy)
Blocking of selected contacts from your phonebook (full phonebook integration)
Blocking of manually added to Easy Busy contacts (for persistent callers out of your phonebook)
Log with all rejected calls (so that you can later check who has tried to reach you)
Discrete indicator on the phone stand-by screen that Easy Busy is running in the background (feature may not be available on some Windows Mobile phones)
Easy set-up and simple to use
Easy adding and removing of blacklisted contacts (to quickly switch when situation changes)
Auto-start on system startup (to never miss loading your Easy Busy phone guard)

=http://www.pdatopsoft.com]WM Smartphone Software