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View Full Version : What Phones Did iPhone Owners Have Prior?

Vincent Ferrari
07-20-2009, 07:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-what-phones-are-apples-iphone-buyers-throwing-away-2009-7' target='_blank'>http://www.businessinsider.com/char...ing-away-2009-7</a><br /><br /></div><p><em>"What phones are Apple's iPhone buyers throwing away? A lot of Motorola RAZRs. Some 29.4% of iPhone 3G buyers were upgrading from Motorola devices, according to Nielsen's Q2 2009 Mobile Insights Survey. About 11% of iPhone 3G buyers were ditching Samsung phones, and 9% were getting rid of RIM BlackBerry devices. About 9% were upgrading from older iPhones."</em></p><p><img height="303" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//at/auto/1248093646.usr18053.gif" width="424" /></p><p>It stands to reazon that given the penetration of the Motorola Razr, a ton of people would be moving on from that and that's what the numbers seem to demonstrate.&nbsp; Also interesting is the "other" category which, based on what isn't included, I would reckon is made up largely of Windows Mobile devices from HTC seeing as HTC is one of hte largest manufacturers of phones in the US and isn't listed on this graph.</p><p>Interesting stuff.</p>

07-20-2009, 10:14 PM
I was using a Moto Q prior to buying my first iPhone

07-21-2009, 02:58 AM
Upgraded to the 3GS from an ATT Fuze (HTC Touch Pro). Wasn't due for an upgrade but was worth $500 to have a phone that I could actually use and doesn't make me cuss each time I try to use it.


07-21-2009, 04:08 AM
I switched from Samsung SGH-i607 Blackjack running Windows Mobile 6.0 to the iPhone 3G as soon as I became eligible for an upgrade on my AT&T contract. After a couple of Windows Smartphones, I was tired of waiting for Microsoft to release a decent web browser. And even if Microsoft did release a usable version of Pocket IE, I would still be at the mercy of the vendor and the carrier to support it on an existing device. I haven't looked back.

07-21-2009, 05:44 AM
I cross-graded from a Treo Pro.

I still use the Treo almost daily, just not as a phone.

The only reason I still use the Treo is because iPhone doesn't support categories in Calendar and Contacts. So I use the Treo for pim stuff (syncing with an Exchange server ota) and the iPhone for that plus everything else.

07-21-2009, 10:10 PM
I was about to throw my Wing out a window when the 3G dropped to $99 and I jumped right on it. I love the iPhone and didn't think I'd be as impressed as I am. Only wish AT&T were more like T-Mobile on pricing. I'm paying about $30/month more than I was with T-Mobile, but the rollover minutes are a nice bonus.

07-22-2009, 05:26 PM
I switched from a Blackberry 8800 for a variety of reasons, mostly the native support for HTML e-mail and the larger screen.

07-29-2009, 12:51 AM
I switched from a Telus P4000 (HTC Titan) to an iPhone last week. I had the gateway drug, er, device, the iPod Touch since Christmas. This clenched the deal.

As I have posted previously, what made me abadon the WM platform was the awful Canadian choices for screen quality and the insulting WM data plans in here Canada. In the future, if a Canadian provider manages to come with a reasonable data plan and a reasonable phone, I may return.

Using a real browser makes a world of difference for the usability of my device. I am a unique situation, though, in that last year I used a total of 147 minutes of voice services. The Telus reps did their darndest to keep me, offering me an special double top secret data plan (1GB/month) with 200 voice minutes per month for $185/month.

I still can't justify that when Rogers, for now, is offering 6 GB and 100 voice minutes (just fine for me) for $55 + taxes and lame fees.

I do a lot of US travel, so here's where I've figured the best situation is:

1) take Rogers up on their refurb 3G plan ($49 for an older iPhone)
2) take AT&T up on their 3Gs plan ($199 new iPhone)

Acquisition costs: $270, about. 3 year contract with Rogers (ugh) and 2 year with AT&T.

Monthly fee: $70 Rogers, ~$80 AT&T (converted to CDN). That's $150 and I get the equivalent of unlimited data and voice (for my usage patterns) on both sides of the border.

Downside: I have to carry two phones. I could jailbreak them and get it down to one device. I may have to do that after the one year warranty expires, or sooner. Other downside: taking my business to Rogers.

I've done every slice and dice of all their roming package options. This is the best I can come up with based on months of talking and looking.

That also gives me something I don't have with Telus: the ability to use a phone in Europe. Recently I had to make do with Skype and Wifi.

BTW, I justified the Rogers phone by taking the advice that one of their CSRs recommended to me trying to get me to buy their crazy Rogers Home Phone plans. I cancelled one of my other services with Rogers. Amazing that their lines of business actually encourage canibalizing theire other LOBs.