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View Full Version : Creating New Albums In Zune Program

07-17-2009, 10:36 AM
Alright, so I love my 30GB Zune.

The only problem i have is that sometimes when i download music, the authors will put a multiple disc album (such as The Beatles Anthology's ((which are each 2 discs)) into JUST one album (((anthology 1, 2, 3))))). I cannot seem to find a way to split these tracks up into their own separate discs. I have changed them and put them into a different folder in the root folder, but it won't create a new album in the Zune software so i can view both albums separately.

help!!! i am a HUGE organizational music freak and my albums MUST be perfect haha

Jason Dunn
07-17-2009, 05:45 PM
I don't think the Zune software respects the disc # meta tag, so here's what I do: I change the album name metadata field. So it would look like this:

Beatles Anthology [Disc 1]
Beatles Anthology [Disc 2]

Each album will then show up as a unique item in the Zune software.

07-17-2009, 08:32 PM
ahh thank you very much :) all i did was readjust the individual song's album name by adding disc 2 and presto! new album.

thank you :)

Jason Dunn
07-20-2009, 04:42 AM
Glad I could help. Welcome to Zune Thoughts. :)