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View Full Version : The 5 W's Of Bluetooth

Ed Hansberry
04-29-2009, 11:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.bluetooth.org/mikesblog/index.cfm?mode=entry&entry=CB258C04-1143-ED82-AA4B9A7F9C212DCC' target='_blank'>http://www.bluetooth.org/mikesblog/...A4B9A7F9C212DCC</a><br /><br /></div><p>This is an article that discusses the 5 W's of Bluetooth, the who, what, where, when and why.</p><p><em>"The story of Bluetooth technology is an historic one. It includes a king, an army 11,000+ strong, over two billion dedicated fans, global recognition and a decade of perseverance and hard work. The story of Bluetooth is at its heart a story of evolution - where we are today is a long way from where we were 11 years ago"</em></p><p>For the record, I'm still not a big Bluetooth fan. My headset forgets about once every three months it is paired with my phone and I cannot pair my Pocket PC to my Windows 7 based netbook with anything but "0000" as the passkey (hoping that is a build 7000 bug). I love it for my headset and I use BT for tethering unless there is an outlet nearby - I'll opt for the USB cable which has charging goodness, but given my druthers, I avoid BT when at all possible. But I know I am unique in all of my issues with Bluetooth. It works perfectly for everyone else, and I recognize that. <img border="0" src="http://www.ehansberry.com/ppct/smile.gif" /></p>

Rob Alexander
04-30-2009, 03:43 AM
Really, Ed? You're not a fan of Bluetooth? Why haven't you ever told us before? :p

04-30-2009, 04:16 PM
My Motorola S9 and now new and improved S9-HD headphones are sooooo sweet! For the last year and a half I've used my winmo's as my primary mp3 device. Nice to have one device especially at the gym.. can listen to music, surf the web, tweet, and sms all from the same device.

The iPhone- still can not.

Reid Kistler
04-30-2009, 06:45 PM
Bluetooth. It works perfectly for everyone else.....

Well, hardly Perfectly :(!

But wired headsets are a hassle, and holding phone up to ear is no fun either - especially when driving - and add in having a Phone / PDA combo unit (like the Fuze...), and a headset of SOME sort becomes almost mandatory: haven't figured out yet how to take notes on the Fuze while holding the darn thing up my ear. :rolleyes:

Turn bluetooth ON on the Fuze at the start of the day, and then control connection using the headset: turning headset ON at the First Ring seems to work fine, then power it back off to conserve battery life and maybe reduce possible ill-effects of constant usage. :confused: