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View Full Version : Rumor Roundup: Zune HD to Get Pixie Dust, Fairy Wings?

Adam Krebs
04-16-2009, 01:00 AM
<p><img height="500" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/zt/auto/1239835580.usr495.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>With the influx of rumors about Microsoft's (unconfirmed) upcoming <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/93330/zune-marketing-leaked-zune-hd-on-the-way.html" target="_blank">Zune HD</a>, we're starting to see news that the device will support everthing from wireless streaming of <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/93277/crazy-rumor-netflix-on-your-zune.html" target="_blank">Netflix content</a> to telepathic track switching (not really, but that would be cool). Here are some of the choicer rumors followed by my take.</p><p>Zune HD...</p><ul><li>...will feature <a href="http://twitter.com/volvoshine/status/1518568055" target="_blank">a 3.6" screen</a>. Seems pretty reasonable. The current-generation Zune80s have a 3.2" screen which has been fine. The larger form factor will make it more enjoyable to watch movies, especially with a 1.85:1 aspect ratio. My main concern is the effect a higher pixel density and resolution will have on battery life.</li><li>...will be <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/93369/tegra-to-power-zune.html" target="_blank">powered by Tegra</a>. Check out the video in that article and tell me that it wouldn't be a great way to browse your music and videos. Again, battery life will be an issue, but it might be worth it. Also lending creedence to this rumor is that Microsoft is an official Tegra partner, which is planning on launching mid-2009. Zune is the only portable device I know of that Microsoft makes. Tegra on Zune HD will also make way for more powerful XNA and Xbox game support, maybe this will finally be the <a href="http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/04/roundup-of-the-latest-zune-hd-talk.ars" target="_blank">Xbox</a> <a href="http://www.zuneboards.com/?p=vB41792" target="_blank">portable</a>?</li><li>...is <a href="http://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/04/15/zunehd-pictures-and-specs" target="_blank">getting HD Radio</a>. Not so sure about this. I don't know enough about HD Radio, but I haven't seen anything smaller than a car-sized unit, let alone implemented on a portable media player. The Sirius and XM players I've seen have been bulky and cumbersome, and I doubt enough people care about HD Radio for Microsoft to waste space with another chip. </li><li>...will have <a href="http://liveside.net/main/archive/2009/04/15/zune-hd-specs-what-we-do-amp-don-t-know.aspx" target="_blank">flash storage</a>, between 16 and 32 GB. It doesn't make sense to include such a small amount of storage for high definition content. If Microsoft wants to make an impact, they're going to have to release a 64 GB version. Neowin is predicting 4, 8, 16, 32, and 120 GB versions (maybe the HD in Zune HD stands for hard drive?) I'm predicting 32 and 64 GB models.</li><li>...will have <a href="http://www.zunited.net/news/index.php/zune-hd/technical-specs/76-zune-hd/324-zune-hd-technical-specifications" target="_blank">mini-HDMI out</a>. Again, this would make sense, and could make video out finally useful. </li></ul><p>A <a href="http://gotzune.com/2009/04/zune-hd-new-photo" target="_blank">browser</a>, <a href="http://wmpoweruser.com/?p=4120" target="_blank">multi-touch</a>, <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/93276/neowin-confirms-zune-will-go-international-this-year.html" target="_blank">and an international release</a> should all be a given this time around. Hopefully the other stuff will pan out too. We'll probably learn a lot more as the predicted fall release approaches.</p>

04-16-2009, 01:36 AM
Yeah, some have really gone extremely excited and rumors have been turning into "confirmed" information. I know it's great to be hopeful...but we don't want another media blitz like Microsoft got for Zune v1...never good to overhype.

By the way, I've also heard that "HD" stands for "Hybrid Deflector," which means that it will even be able to power an SUV for 3 hours or 140 miles (whichever comes first) with a single PC-USB charge...all while keeping a small form factor. I guess they figured that since they added HD Radio, they might as well add Hybrid power...which happens to be rumored to be a new technology based on pixie dust, as you mentioned. ;)

04-16-2009, 01:46 AM
I think 32GB + micro SD support will satisfy a wide array of users and keep prices reasonable. In 12 months, I imagine 64GB micro SD will start arriving.

Adam Krebs
04-16-2009, 02:39 AM
I think 32GB + micro SD support will satisfy a wide array of users and keep prices reasonable. In 12 months, I imagine 64GB micro SD will start arriving.

Honestly, I can't see anyone outside of the geek community getting excited about this. As with most stuff that geeks love, you're gonna have to go to a Cowon, Archos, or SanDisk. It's a shame, to be sure.

Volvoshine asks (http://twitter.com/volvoshine/status/1497391532): This leak is ruffling feathers @ MS, If I was them I would be happy.. when is the last time the Zune got so much positive coverage?

It's not a matter of being happy or not, it's the fact that consumers can't buy it yet and the groundswell of hype they're getting now is likely to die down before Zune HD reaches market say, 4/5 months from now. Microsoft likes when Zune gets positive mentions, they love when people actually spend money due to those positive mentions. If I were Microsoft, I'd be p-o'd too.

04-16-2009, 01:21 PM
i think all this coverage shows you that, even if they won't admit it, deep deep deep down inside iPod Touch users are looking for something more. Hands down the Zune software is now better than iTunes, by a LOT....the Zune devices are great but are simply a generation behind on features.

I won't be surprised if all of the current Zunes go the way of the dodo except the 120Gb model. If you have a device like this....with HDMI out (that's the first they keep talking about) all of the other devices look like crap.

They better have some magical battery powering all of this though because otherwise it will last all of 30 minutes on a full charge.

04-16-2009, 03:37 PM
Just wanted to point out that HD Radio and Satellite Radio are not the same. HD Radio is broadcast over the same frequencies as normal FM radio, Satellite Radio from XM/Sirius uses entirely different spectrum.

That said, I would be really happy if it did include an HD tuner but I'm not going to hold my breath. A satellite radio tuner sounds more like wishful thinking on someone's part.

Adam Krebs
04-16-2009, 04:39 PM
Just wanted to point out that HD Radio and Satellite Radio are not the same. HD Radio is broadcast over the same frequencies as normal FM radio, Satellite Radio from XM/Sirius uses entirely different spectrum.

The question is, have you seen an HD radio in a portable form factor? I haven't. I know that normal FM radios are capable of recieving the same traditional HD signals broadcast over FM, I just thought HD radio (the kind that allows you to "tune in between the stations") required new equiptment. Do you know?

The comparison to Satellite radio was more (from my end) a discussion on size and functionality than on practicality.

Phillip Dyson
04-16-2009, 05:52 PM
HD in "HD Radio" originally stood for "hybrid-digital". Not to be confused with "High Definition". Apparently now it has a non-meaning. Just branding.

Crutchfield FAQ (http://www.crutchfield.com/S-eVHpnMQgz8G/learn/learningcenter/car/hdradio_faq.html#4)

04-16-2009, 06:11 PM
You got me thinking Krebo about if ZuneHD could, in fact, cram an HD radio tuner into it. I did a little digging and found out yes, there are MP3 players with HD radio tuners in them.... below is a KRI Armband Portable HD Radio Receiver


I go more indepth HERE (http://tinyurl.com/dyhapj)

Sven Johannsen
04-17-2009, 12:41 AM
Be nice if it had BlueTooth

Ricardo Dawkins
04-18-2009, 01:30 AM
Well, CNET is giving a big thumbs up to these supposed specs here:
But if the rumors are true, I'll be the first in line for a Zune HD. Look for my iPod on eBay.