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View Full Version : My Lop-Sided Bandwidth Chart

Jason Dunn
04-10-2009, 11:00 PM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//dht/auto/1239388838.usr1.png" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>I happened to be poking around the Web-based control panel from my ISP today, and I figured I'd check out my modem bandwidth stats. I'll give you one guess which month I installed <a href="http://www.mozy.com/?ref=3f9a896b&amp;kbid=30184&amp;m=4&amp;i=75" target="_blank">Mozy</a> in. ;-) I blew past my ISPs 100 GB bandwidth cap that month, but you have to do that three months in a row before they drop the hammer on you. I have to chuckle when I hear people complaining about Comcast's 250 GB bandwidth caps - I bet only people that are complaining are the ones running bitorrent clients 24/7. Unless someone is downloading an Xbox Live HD movie every single day in a month, it's almost impossible to blow through that much bandwidth with legitimate use. But I digress...have a great weekend everyone! And if you want to <a href="http://www.mozy.com/?ref=3f9a896b&amp;kbid=30184&amp;m=4&amp;i=75" target="_blank">check out Mozy</a>, use the coupon code APRIL to get 10% off. [Affiliate]</p>

Lee Yuan Sheng
04-11-2009, 05:50 AM
I have this little utility called BitMeter, which has been on the system since I built this system last June. Despite what I thought is fairly heavy usage (Vimeo visits for HD content, game patches, game demos), I haven't used more than 60gb per month yet.

Still, I'm glad that there are no bandwidth caps here... yet.

Filip Norrgard
04-13-2009, 11:25 AM
250 GB sounds so little, considering that while listening to Last.fm, podcasts and Internet radio over 3G on my Nokia burns around 33 GB in downstream transfers only. Add to that the IPTV, Spotify, Joost and HD YouTube videos back home on ADSL and I'm sure that I'm way over the limit of 250 GB in total. 500 GB would be a much better alternative, I believe.

So, I'm too happy that we don't have any bandwidth caps are here yet...
Just hoping that the new Google node in Finland won't raise the price on bandwidth. :D

Jason Dunn
04-13-2009, 08:09 PM
250 GB sounds so little, considering that while listening to Last.fm, podcasts and Internet radio over 3G on my Nokia burns around 33 GB in downstream transfers only.

You burn 33 GB on your phone?? Wow. I pay $30/month for 6 GB of total bandwidth...it would be expensive to use 33 GB. :D

Lee Yuan Sheng
04-14-2009, 06:27 AM
I do that and I've yet to use more than 12GB on my phone! 33GB! Are you like, streaming 5 hours a day or something? o_O

Filip Norrgard
04-18-2009, 06:21 PM
I do that and I've yet to use more than 12GB on my phone! 33GB! Are you like, streaming 5 hours a day or something? o_O

Yup, roughly 5 hours a day at work mostly. How did ya know that? :D

Lee Yuan Sheng
04-19-2009, 07:57 AM
Call it a good guess, based on my own usage experience. :P