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03-26-2009, 01:28 AM
Allforni GPSII for Smartphone - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



Allforni GPSII is the compelete mobile GPS solution for Windows mobile Smartphone. Fully supports Windows Mobile (2003,2003SE,WM5, WM6),QVGA (240*320) and landscape screen.

Key features:
1.Bluetooth device manage
2.support google satellite map (1-19 level)
3.support google traffic map (1-17 level)
4.support MS satellite map (1-19 level)
5.support MS traffic map (1-17 level)
6.support Yahoo satellite map (1-19 level)
7.support Yahoo traffic map (1-17 level)
8.support custom city map
9.support large map file (.bmp)
10.support countriese and cities manage
11.support GARMIN and Google kml POI&Waypoint
12.support CSV track log
13.support NMEA0183 log
14.support speed alarm

Smartphone Medical Software (http://www.pdamedisoft.com)

BTAutoSync SP - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



BTAutoSync SP (Bluetooth AutoSync) for Smartphone 2003, is an application that will schedule repeated, automatic ActiveSync over Bluetooth! BTAutoSync SP will 'wake up' at user-defined intervals (as often as every minute) and attempt to locate your Bluetooth/ActiveSync partner desktop (over Bluetooth)
and establish an ActiveSync connection.

Smartphone Medical Software (http://www.pdamedisoft.com)