01-15-2009, 07:53 AM
Hello everyone, this post is going to be a bit on the lengthy side, but I really want to try and give as much information as I can.
Phone: Samsung Blackjack 2
Platform: Windows Mobile 6
Carrier: AT&T
So to anyone who has used WM6, you know how on the Home Screen, if you go one section below the time and date, you get to the "Missed Calls, Voicemail, Text Messages, Email ..." strip? Well, I setup my three emails (@Hotmail,@Gmail,@Yahoo), and everything worked perfectly, it told me when I received emails with no delay or anything like that. Until one day, I created a new email, which I tried to setup by going to the "Messaging" screen, selected "Setup E-mail," entered my email, my password, and hit next. Unfortunately, because it's a Windows phone, which is ultimately a Microsoft product, it of course knows that is from Microsoft as well, so it prompted me to the next screen which said: "Auto Setup found settings for: To complete setup and download e-mail, click Next." And then when I clicked Next, it opened up Internet Explorer, and prompted me to download this Windows Live program, which opens up, and sits at a blank screen. SO, I go back to the "Messaging" page, and even the "Missed Calls, Voic...." strip, and my Hotmail is gone. Only my Gmail and Yahoo show on there. I have no idea why it did that. I'm guessing because just like it detected as a Microsoft email, it detected that Hotmail is too, and therefore deleted it, and wants me to use that Windows Live program that it downloaded. So now, I try to "Setup E-mail" my Hotmail, I go through the same screens as I did with the, and it sends me to Internet Explorer, which made me download the same program that I did with So this Windows Live program says that it's syncing my email, but it does nothing. It just sits there with "Hotmail" at the top, and nothing else.
SO my question is, how can I setup my Hotmail so it can update in real time like it was before all this crap happened? I'm honestly considering re-installing WM6.
I apologize for the long post once again. Your help will be appreciated!
Phone: Samsung Blackjack 2
Platform: Windows Mobile 6
Carrier: AT&T
So to anyone who has used WM6, you know how on the Home Screen, if you go one section below the time and date, you get to the "Missed Calls, Voicemail, Text Messages, Email ..." strip? Well, I setup my three emails (@Hotmail,@Gmail,@Yahoo), and everything worked perfectly, it told me when I received emails with no delay or anything like that. Until one day, I created a new email, which I tried to setup by going to the "Messaging" screen, selected "Setup E-mail," entered my email, my password, and hit next. Unfortunately, because it's a Windows phone, which is ultimately a Microsoft product, it of course knows that is from Microsoft as well, so it prompted me to the next screen which said: "Auto Setup found settings for: To complete setup and download e-mail, click Next." And then when I clicked Next, it opened up Internet Explorer, and prompted me to download this Windows Live program, which opens up, and sits at a blank screen. SO, I go back to the "Messaging" page, and even the "Missed Calls, Voic...." strip, and my Hotmail is gone. Only my Gmail and Yahoo show on there. I have no idea why it did that. I'm guessing because just like it detected as a Microsoft email, it detected that Hotmail is too, and therefore deleted it, and wants me to use that Windows Live program that it downloaded. So now, I try to "Setup E-mail" my Hotmail, I go through the same screens as I did with the, and it sends me to Internet Explorer, which made me download the same program that I did with So this Windows Live program says that it's syncing my email, but it does nothing. It just sits there with "Hotmail" at the top, and nothing else.
SO my question is, how can I setup my Hotmail so it can update in real time like it was before all this crap happened? I'm honestly considering re-installing WM6.
I apologize for the long post once again. Your help will be appreciated!