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View Full Version : TechFaith Ships First Windows Mobile-based CDMA Device to Mexico

Darius Wey
12-29-2008, 05:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://ir.techfaithwireless.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=189668&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1238393' target='_blank'>http://ir.techfaithwireless.com/pho...icle&ID=1238393</a><br /><br /></div><p><em>"China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited ("TechFaith") (NASDAQ: CNTF), an original developed product provider centered on the research and development of mobile telephone solutions, announced today the shipment of its Windows Mobile based touch screen PC CDMA device to Mexico. The PC CDMA mobile device is the first of its type to enter the Mexican market. This new device has a 2.8" touch screen, 3G technology, Windows Mobile 6.0 operating system, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, photo camera, music player and Office Mobile applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) that allow users to receive, edit and send their files. In addition, the PC CDMA device also supports high-speed Internet connection."</em></p><p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/ppct/auto/1230565464.usr2.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>If the folks at TechFaith are hoping to take a sizable bite out of the Windows Mobile market, they'll have to do better than this. 64MB RAM, 128MB ROM, and a QVGA display are hardly killer features. Neither is the 22-month old Windows Mobile 6.0.</p>

12-29-2008, 08:25 PM
If this is going to a carrier I would think they are to blame for the lackluster specs. Even so though, they really could have done better as those specs will barely suffice to run WM6 let alone any 3rd party applications.

12-30-2008, 02:09 AM
Since this POS is CDMA I suppose it's coming down to Iusacell Carrier in Mexico. I wonder why would Iusacell want this device, since the Mogul and other WinMo devices they carry are much better than this?

Telcel in the other hand (which is GSM), has higher spec'd devices like the Samsung Omnia, tons of HTC devices, iPhone 3G and due to next month the mighty SonyEricsson Xperia X1.

Techfaith stand no chance to make it here!


Cheers from Mexico!

12-30-2008, 03:41 AM
Since this POS is CDMA I suppose it's coming down to Iusacell Carrier in Mexico. I wonder why would Iusacell want this device, since the Mogul and other WinMo devices they carry are much better than this?

Telcel in the other hand (which is GSM), has higher spec'd devices like the Samsung Omnia, tons of HTC devices, iPhone 3G and due to next month the mighty SonyEricsson Xperia X1.

Techfaith stand no chance to make it here!


Cheers from Mexico!

Yes, I thought the statement strange in the article, "first device of its kind in México". I thought --"what--first Windows Mobile device in Mexico? Everywhere else in the world has had WM devices for years. Strange statement. Then I thought, maybe it meant --:"first CDMA WM device" (that perhaps CDMA is very rare there, and the others have been GSM), but you write that the CDMA carrier has Mogul and other WM devices.

So, first device of what kind?

Darius Wey
12-30-2008, 03:56 AM
So, first device of what kind?

Most likely TechFaith's first WM-based CDMA device for Mexico. I agree the PR is very poorly worded.

Jason Dunn
12-30-2008, 04:41 PM
...as those specs will barely suffice to run WM6 let alone any 3rd party applications.

Come now, I agree that the specs aren't impressive in any way, but 64 MB RAM is certainly enough to function properly with every third party application I can think of - I doubt the kind of person buying a device like this will be the hard-core GPS + Pocket Informant + listening to music at the same time type person that we are here. ;)

12-30-2008, 05:58 PM
Come now, I agree that the specs aren't impressive in any way, but 64 MB RAM is certainly enough to function properly with every third party application I can think of - I doubt the kind of person buying a device like this will be the hard-core GPS + Pocket Informant + listening to music at the same time type person that we are here. ;)

From my experience with an XDA Orbit with 64MB ram running official WM6 and unofficial WM6.1 after booting you are left with probably under 30MB free ram after the OS loads, add in 3rd party today plugins and you get even less. Check out the Xda Artemis forums and see how even the best rom chefs could only get about 30MB free ram, I dont see the device maker able to achieve this with the tendency to load up all sorts of crap on carrier phones. Load up PIE (Opera will definitely use too many resources) and browse a bit and see how quickly the device becomes unstable because of lack of ram. Then try a simple task like making or receiving a phone call and watch as the system grinds away trying to comply. It really isnt enough to have a positive WM experience without hacking away at your rom and such users probably arent the target audience and all it does is show WM in a bad light which is probably something it doesnt need more of at the moment.

12-30-2008, 07:19 PM
Most likely TechFaith's first WM-based CDMA device for Mexico. I agree the PR is very poorly worded.

I quote: "The PC CDMA mobile device is the first of its type to enter the Mexican market'... Well, they make it sound like in Mexico we don't know jack about Windows Mobile devices... :D We even have our own Mexican WM brand... The equally poor-spec'd Alaska Cove hahahaha... :D which I think it's gone belly up by now... :rolleyes:

But on a serious note, there's much more Smartphone activity in Mexico than you can imagine.

If you understand spanish I invite you to take a plunge on our site: www.poderpda.com

Cheers and happy new year!

12-31-2008, 10:02 PM
While the specs are exactly impressive if the price is low enough there will be many that would snap it up.