Vincent Ferrari
12-24-2008, 01:40 PM
<p><img src="" /></p><p>Since today is "the big one," Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is Christmas Day, the Apple Thoughts staff will be taking a breather to recuperate and spend time with family. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy anything-else you may celebrate at this time of the year. We will be back on Friday with more stuff to give away (I told you we had a box full of goodies, didn't I?) and more news and reviews on your favorite company with a half-eaten fruit in its logo.</p><p>Don't forget our <a href="" target="_blank">Sena giveaway</a>! We're going to be picking winners for that one next week, so get in while you still can!</p><p>Oh yeah, and if the Sena giveaway is a little too iPhone-related for you, have no fear because we have lots of iPod Nano and Classic stuff coming as well. Stay tuned, and Merry Christmas once again and thanks for reading!</p>